Disposable Garments - Zero Waste Box™
Disposable Garments - Zero Waste Box™
Size: Small Zero Waste Box 25 x 25 x 46 cm

Disposable Garments - Zero Waste Box™
Small Zero Waste Box 25 x 25 x 46 cm
Disposable Garments - Zero Waste Box™
Please send us any brand and size of non-woven disposable garments.
Approximate waste units accepted
- Small: 15 garments
- Medium: 35 garments
- Large: 65 garments
Do not send in medical waste. This includes material contaminated with blood, bodily fluids and waste which should be collected in a hazardous clinical waste bin.
Do not send in disposable garments that are contaminated with materials considered hazardous or autoclaved.
Due to the safety measures we’ve put in place to protect our customers, employees and partners, your box should be fully sealed with adhesive tape and stored securely for 72 hours before requesting a collection.

What you can recycle
- Coveralls
- Disposable Garments
- Disposable Shoe Covers
- Protection Suits
This box does not accept:
- Autoclaved Material
- Contaminated Garments
- Eyewear
- Fabrics Or Rubber Based Garments
- Hard Hats
- Hazardous waste
- Medical waste
- Other Protective Gear
- Respirators