Mad Hippie Recycling Solution
Recycle all Mad Hippie Recycling Solution Beauty Products and Packaging with these recycling solutions
Mad Hippie Recycling Solution
Use these recycling solutions to recycle Mad Hippie Recycling Solution Beauty Products and Packaging
Using this solution is easy and convenient. Just order, fill, and send back to TerraCycle for recycling. (A prepaid return shipping label is included in your purchase.)
Using this solution is easy and convenient. Just order, fill, and send back to TerraCycle for recycling. (A prepaid return shipping label is included in your purchase.) Simply sign up through TerraCycle to receive a zero-waste, pre-paid envelope and then fill it with your empty, cleaned out Mad Hippie plastic packaging (bottles, pumps, plastic seals, sprayers, and caps) and mail them back. Please fill the envelope with as much Mad Hippie packaging as you can fit to further reduce the carbon footprint (ideally several months worth of product packaging in one envelope).
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