Nulo Challenger Recycling Solution
Recycle all Nulo Plastic Packaging with these recycling solutions
Nulo Challenger - Recycling Solution
Use these recycling solutions to recycle Nulo Plastic Packaging
Using this solution is easy and convenient. Just order, fill, and send back to TerraCycle for recycling. (A prepaid return shipping label is included in your purchase.)
The spirit of Nulo Challenger™ is reaching beyond conventionally grown ingredients and choosing sustainability - to give the world around us a chance to heal and renew. Peak nutrition doesn’t have to be at the expense of our environment. With ethically-sourced animal proteins and organic grains, we can enrich the way we feed our pets. And by partnering with TerraCycle®, we can reduce the amount of plastic packaging that is sent to landfills. The difference is better nutrition. A healthier environment. More happy days.
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