3 reviews

Coffee Bags - Zero Waste Pouch

3 reviews

Coffee Bags - Zero Waste Pouch

Size: Pouch 7.5" x 10.5"

Coffee Bags - Zero Waste Pouch


Coffee Bags - Zero Waste Pouch


Please send us any brand and size of empty coffee bag.

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What you can recycle

  • Empty Coffee Bags

This box does not accept:

  • Capsules
  • Coffee Electronics
  • Coffee Grounds
  • Discs
  • Filters
  • Other Coffee Packaging

Customer reviews

3 reviews

Average Review 4.3

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Shelley A. • 1/26/2019

Love the Zero Waste pouch for coffee bags!

I drink a lot of coffee and have an empty coffee bag every 3-4 days. I felt horrible every time I had to dispose them. Your Zero Waste pouch has made my coffee habit enjoyable again. Thank you for all of your great products.

J • 7/3/2018

Holds 20-25 coffee bags

Was able to squeeze in 20-25 regular size Starbucks coffee bags that I had set aside to reuse but never found useful, so glad you offer a small pouch for a household to recycle these! Totally agree with Angela that delivering the bag inside 2 outer envelopes with bubble wrap was bizarre and wasteful though.

Angela L. • 5/20/2018


I was happy to find coffee bag recycleimg in a smaller container, a plastic bag. However, it was packaged in a manila envelope & then inside a bubbles wrapped envelope. Necessary for a plastic bag? and will most likely be landfilled in most cases. Please re-think your packaging!

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